Operationalising positive masculinity

A review of divergent perspectives on positive masculinity

Crowther Centre April 11th, 2021 · 1 minute read

Research into positive masculinity by Headmaster Ross Featherston, Dr Ray Swann, Kate Casey (Crowther Centre) and other educational experts has been recognised internationally, with an article on the school’s work in this space being published in the Health Promotion International Journal.

Operationalising positive masculinity: a theoretical synthesis and school-based framework to engage boys and young men


Scholars have consistently documented the relationship between conformity to traditional masculine norms and maladaptive psychosocial outcomes among boys and young men. Given current social commentary, including debate around ‘toxic masculinity’, intervention is needed to encourage boys to embody healthy expressions and identities of masculinity. Whilst new approaches grounded in positive masculinity show promise, the construct requires further definition and phenomenological clarity. Here we review divergent perspectives on positive masculinity, and forward a refined definition, specific to psychosocial health promotion among boys and young men. We then outline the theoretical basis of a positive masculinity framework to guide the content of future interventions, aiming to achieve positive identity development among boys and young men for the good of all. This framework represents a necessary unification of scholarship around male adolescent development, education and health. Future health promotion interventions may benefit from applying the framework to support a positive psychosocial trajectory among boys and young men, with a focus on connection, motivation and authenticity.

Read more (external link to Health Promotion International Journal)

Article Information

Article first published online: 11 April 2021


Michael Wilson (Orygen: Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Kate Gwyther (Orygen: Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Ray Swann (Crowther Centre, Brighton Grammar School, Australia)

Kate Casey (Crowther Centre, Brighton Grammar School, Australia)

Ross Featherston (Crowther Centre, Brighton Grammar School, Australia)

John L Oliffe (Department of Nursing, University of Melbourne, Australia) (School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Canada)

Matt Englar-Carlson (Department of Counselling, California State University, USA)

Simon M Rice, (Orygen: Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Corresponding Author

Simon M Rice, Email: simon.rice@orygen.org.au


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