Crowther Centre blog
As Year 12 students complete final exams, our thoughts move to results, entrance scores and the transitions that students make from secondary school to further education, training or employment.
As final exams begin for Year 12 students, our thoughts move to results, entrance scores and the transitions that students make from secondary school to further education, training or employment.
The end of Year 12 marks a significant milestone for teenagers. The scaffolding and support provided by secondary schools and parents is suddenly removed and we expect our teenagers to behave like adults and manage their lives independently. However, transition from secondary school to university, an apprenticeship or employment has been described as an acute stressor as students struggle to adjust to life beyond high school. The release of final exam results and entrance scores can also present as a stressful time for many.
Whilst the temptation of enjoying life without the pressures of Year 12 is enticing, as parents it is important to maintain an anchor of support as your sons begin to navigate the next step. Some research shows that students describe the transition from secondary school as a loss experience – a loss of their sense of self, their social network and their sense of place. A period of adjustment with a range of emotions can be expected.
Importantly, support should be sought from your son’s school when results are released and often change of preference and careers counselling is critical at this time as students consider their available options. As schools, we look forward to the results time with a sense of anticipation as we work to help the boys grab hold of the opportunities that await them.
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